Monday, July 06, 2009

Sites I love

I am a complete historical fiction junkie and in the past year I have run across some really awesome sites to feed my reading needs:

#1 on that list is of course which is a book swapping site. You list the books you don't want, someone orders one from you, you mail it and get a credit. You then use said credits to order other books you really want. I went from about 30 books on my shelf to over 300 in a year. I am michiganderholly on there.

Other HF sites I love: which lists the 100 top selling HF books at the moment and also lets you divide them by timesline. You can also look up by author. I have completely maxed out my PBS wish list because of this site. She gives great reviews, has lots of giveaways and also does which is all Jean Plaidy all the time and includes the 2009 Plaidy Challenge (see button). Lists HF by timeline. Found alot of good ones here too. Besides looking through the coming soon section on the Barnes & Noble website this is one of the sources I find upcoming HF at.

Other Non-HF sites I love: I find alot of great deals on books here. I just got 15 books for $83 and that includes shipping. This is where I keep track of what I've read, what I want to read, and what I'm currently reading. You become a lender and browse entrepreneurs in 3rd world countries and lend $ through paypal. One of Kiva's microfinance partners distributes the loans and the entrepreneur pays them back over time. Once you get your money back you can either put it back in your bank account or lend it to someone else. Lists of the best music, books, movies, places etc.. Includes definitive lists and peoples personal opinion lists.

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