Friday, January 11, 2008

No resolutions

I absolutely hate making new years resolutions because I never ever stick to them. Sure, there is a whole bunch of stuff in 2008 that I want to accomplish. Finishing college and getting our finances in order is on the top of that list. Beyond that though I make no promises to myself other than for this year to be a better year than last year.
So we went to NY over christmas which turned out to be the worst vacation ever (if you don't count that year long one in Iraq). My boy got sick and was sick for pretty much the whole time we were there. So much so that we had to delay our return by 4 days and take extra time off from work so he would be well enough to travel. Poor kid was running a fever and broke out in a rash all over his body and just did not want to eat or do anything but sleep. Turns out he had Epstein Bar virus (the one that causes mono) and a double ear infection. Besides that the visit was ok but this is one of those vacations that makes you feel like you need a vacation from your vacation. He is doing much better now though except he has a nasty cough.
At least I get to make up for the sucky vacation with a nice little trip to Las Vegas in April. I finally found someone that will be willing to sit through the timeshare presentation if it means they get their room free so yay for that. We are staying at Bally's which I've heard is smack in the middle of the strip and across from the Bellagio. Should be a fun time. Also in September I get to travel to our nations capital to hang out with my awesome friends and maybe do a bit of sightseeing. We've been meaning to do something like this for awhile only this time I actually went ahead and reserved us a condo so we're going. So far everyone is on board. Well as usual I'd like to say more but I'm exhausted. Here's hoping everyone has a stellar year :)

1 comment:

maltby18 said...

One resolution of mine for 2008 - drop a line.

I get a sense of some long days back in Michigan, but I'm betting you've got things handled better than most of us. Have a good time in Vegas come April.